Your purpose is waiting for you!
Feb. 2, 2022

Yes You!


It has been a long time coming! I’m super excited to introduce to you the LauncHer Podcast, where I’m aiming to encourage, empower, and enlighten you through experiences, testimonies, and biblical truths. Every episode will be full of lessons. So grab your pen and paper and always take notes on areas that apply to you.

In Episode 1, I want to tell you that Every Journey Starts Somewhere. For me, the journey of finding my life purpose started way back throughout high school and some years in my adulthood. I never knew I would be doing my own podcast, let alone speaking to an audience!

But God wants us to know that we all have a voice. Although every voice may not be a speaking part, we all have a voice. There’s a gift, a talent, and an assignment that God has specifically for you. Your voice is going to speak when you say yes to your purpose.

Here’s what happened for me when I surrendered and submitted to God:

I will take you back to where things really started to open up.

Throughout middle school, high school, and some parts of my adulthood, I was looking and asking for my purpose from people. I was like a baby waiting for confirmation from everyone. I was waiting for them to say something. To tell me what my purpose was. Instead of going to the one who created me and even knew me before I was born. God knew He had an assignment for me, but I tried to bypass it, as many of us are doing.

 “God is the first person that you want to have the first conversation with as to getting started in your journey.”

 When I got attacked in my body with breast cancer, I thought I was going to die. But I wasn’t ready to. I decided to speak to God, telling Him I still have more living to do. Feelings of sadness with thoughts of death, and not being here for my husband and children bombarded my mind.

I cried out to God and at that moment, a deep feeling of peace the bible speaks of in came over me and I started believing that I wasn’t going to die. I was filled with Holy Spirit, and I was not alone.

In my second encounter, when listening to Tasha Cobbs's song, “You Still Love Me,” the Holy Spirit began to remind me of all the things that I had done and yet God’s love still covered me.

“In spite of all that you have done, all that you could have done and thought of, I still love you, Sheniada. I still have a plan for you. I still have a purpose for you.”

That’s when I said Yes. From there, I began to spend more time with God. He began to show me his love and care.

The journey has not been easy though. There have been several things and processes along the journey that made it overwhelming until I decided to Go back to God again.

And this is the direction He has given me through a business meeting shared what I believe was God speaking to her for me. She gave me the title “Open Up Her World,as I slowly but surely began to work to fulfill my purpose. And that’s how I am now her and started the LauncHER Podcast.

I believe that my purpose in this world is to see young women lives change.

At times I would find myself in conversations with others and just sharing what I believe God was sharing with me to share with them. They were thankful and felt encouraged even at things I thought were ‘just normal stories.’

Even in this podcast, I feel so much joy in sharing in talking to you all.

You too can start your own journey today!

Your start can look different from somebody else’s start. Even when faced with pain and setbacks, endure them with the help of God, who said He will never leave you nor forsake you, and you shall overcome.

God has a plan. Get in line with it. But to get in line with it, you first need to know God.

Visit my website and join my community to stay in touch. I look forward to helping so many of you and I believe that through my personal relationship with God and you connecting with that, God is going to meet you.

 Submit to God and He will begin to open your eyes, ears, and mouth.

 You have a voice that needs to be heard.